
Saturday, October 11, 2014

We Probably Party Too Much

I say probably because I'm not too sure that it's actually possible to party too much, but then again I'm thinking I probably need to cut back before our program gets hectic and throws a bunch of papers and projects our way.

Earlier this week, I spent some time hanging out with a girl in my program who I haven't had a lot of contact with so far and a guy who's in a different GSE program. We spent a few hours drinking beers at City Tap House even though we had said we were going to participate in the bar's trivia night and had some interesting conversations about things like GSE, schoolwork, going out, and other people in our programs.

I must say, I have loved being in this program and getting to know not only my fellow counseling students, but also other people in GSE and beyond. One big connection I have made that I want to discuss here is my participation in events with other African American students. Last weekend, one girl from GSE hosted a big potluck dinner in her room in Sansom Place and it was a great opportunity not only to eat some home-cooked food (and WOW it was delicious) but also to take some time getting to know other black people at Penn. And unlike when I was at UVA, I actually feel at home with the African American people here. I guess it's that I finally see that I can fit in despite my differences. At UVA, I always felt like I didn't fit in, and now I feel so much more accepted for who I am.

Also, of course, I have bonded so deeply with the other members of my cohort. I feel like I've already made some best friends who I can share everything with. I've also had some wild nights partying with them at clubs and checking out the sights in Olde City...

...and I look forward to more. And I won't even discuss the infamous Game Night...

Having said all that, YES I have been having so much fun both in my program and in Philadelphia, BUT I am wondering whether I'll be able to sustain this level of fun-having when our bigger papers and projects start to come up. That being said, I now remember just how chill our program is in comparison to other graduate programs, so maybe I don't party too much.... But I'll keep you posted.

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